AHS-P3-7. China’s Important 2060 Carbon Neutrality Goal
Jason Jasper1
Faculty Mentor: Kimberly Nehls, Ph.D.2
1Lee Business School, Department of Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology
2Lee Business School, Department of Marketing and International Business
Climate Change is a serious threat to global security and well-being. Many developed nations and some developing nations have made promises to become carbon-neutral (net zero emissions), or carbon-free by a specified timeframe. China is a developing nation with high growth and has set a goal to be carbon-neutral by 2060. This study aims to determine how much China would need to reduce CO2 emissions to achieve this goal, and how it compares to other nations, using the most current data, and mathematical analysis. China produces the most CO2 in the world, almost twice as much as the United States, and accounts for 28 percent of world CO2 emissions. China would have to eliminate almost 500 million tons of CO2 emissions year over year to meet the 2060 goal. This represents an enormous challenge, especially considering China’s CO2 emissions are still growing, but will be crucial to ensuring keeping total global temperature rise to 1.5-2 Celsius.
Dr. Kimberly Nehls | Lee Business School
Jason Jasper | Lee Business School
Hello Jason,
I was very intrigued by your poster presentation. I believe China’s 2060 carbon neutrality goal is a positive stimulus to other countries to make the transition towards becoming carbon neutral. Also great data points and analytics. Overall, nice presentation!
Nicholas Arechiga
Hi Nicholas,
Thank you very much for your interest! I agree that if China can keep to their stated goals, that will be a huge improvement for the environment and could possibly prevent finger pointing between countries. In other words, China cannot be used as an excuse for why other countries are not meeting their goals or obligations (ala whataboutisms). I am concerned that if the country allows for its output to continue to climb out to 2030, that they may have an insurmountable challenge that will require far too large of an investment in a short amount of time to meet (I have read estimates of upwards of 5 to 10% of their GDP). As of right now, their CO2 output growth is linear (not accelerating) which is a good sign, but shows no signs of deceleration either.
Thank you again,
Thank you for your interest in my research and presentation. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to add them.