AHS-O1-1. Perceived Racial Discrimination, Black Lives Matter, and Political Participation in 2020

Olivia Cheche1
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Maltby, Ph.D.1
1College of Liberal Arts, Department of Political Science

This study aims to investigate the impacts of Black Lives Matter protests and perceptions of racial discrimination on political participation in 2020. Survey responses from the 2020 Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey are matched with data on protest locations across the United States. Regression models test the effects of the aforementioned two independent variables on political engagement. A third question tests the interactive effect between Black Lives Matter protests and perceptions of racial discrimination. The results of this study show statistically significant results for Black respondents; Black Lives Matter protests and increased perceptions of racial discrimination both have a positive relationship with political participation. The interaction between the two independent variables shows a negative overall relationship with participation, but results vary based on an individual’s perception of racial discrimination. This study does not yield statistically significant results for non-Black respondents, indicating that these two concepts have greater impacts on Black communities.


Nov 15 - 19 2021


All Day


AHS: Podium Session 1
The Office of Undergraduate Research


The Office of Undergraduate Research


5 Replies to “AHS-O1-1. Perceived Racial Discrimination, Black Lives Matter, and Political Participation in 2020”

  1. Hi Olivia!
    Great presentation! You are a great speaker, I really enjoyed watching your presentation. Your project is clearly well-researched and it raised a lot of interesting connections to the BLM movement I had never considered before. Wonderful job!

  2. Hello Olivia! I was very intrigued by your topic, and your presentation did not disappoint. You did a fantastic job of explaining your data, the results, and how it all relates to the Black Lives Matter protests and perceptions of racial discrimination on political participation in 2020. It was interesting to learn how strongly race, protests, and political participation correlate. I like how your research focused on different races, showing that the core issues of the BLM protests are deeply personal to black people. I agree that future BLM movements will be vital in pushing black people to engage in politics, and will hopefully lead to becoming a more equal country.

  3. Olivia, wonderful job! You clearly and effectively explained each aspect of the presentation. This is a very relevant topic and its findings are important. Thank you for sharing and good luck.

  4. Hi all! Thank you so much for taking the time to view my presentation. If you have any feedback or questions about my research, feel free to leave a comment here so that I may respond!

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