HNSE-P6-5. Visual Attention during Observational Learning of Motor Skills: Implications in Rehabilitation after Amputation

Briauna Davis1
Faculty Mentor: Szu-Ping Lee, Ph.D.2
1School of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences
2School of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy

It is difficult to stop accidental falls and maintain balance after leg amputation. The goal of post-amputation rehabilitation is to improve mobility function, reduce fall risks, and improve safety. Although there have been advancements in prosthetic technology, individuals with leg amputation are still experiencing frequent falls. We believe this is partially due to the lack of scientific knowledge on prosthetic skill learning after amputation. Post-amputation rehabilitation involves learning and relearning complex motor skills, such as walking and quick stepping to stop falls. This process becomes intense as Individuals perform these tasks with a prosthesis. Our goal was to find a way to make rehabilitation training after amputation more effective. This study examines the effectiveness of incorporating peer-based training during post-amputation rehabilitation. Participants with lower limb amputation will be instructed to watch video demonstrations of balance and recovery tasks performed by an amputee peer or non-amputee. The performance of participants will be tracked before, throughout, and after training. Knowledge from this study will benefit individuals with lower limb amputation by speeding up the learning of prosthetic skills lower limb amputation.

This research was funded by UNLV’s TRIO McNair Scholars Institute, which is housed within UNLV’s Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach and funded under the TRIO Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program by a grant (P217A170069) from the U.S. Department of Education. 


Nov 15 - 19 2021


All Day


HNSE: Poster Session 6
The Office of Undergraduate Research


The Office of Undergraduate Research


3 Replies to “HNSE-P6-5. Visual Attention during Observational Learning of Motor Skills: Implications in Rehabilitation after Amputation”

  1. Hi Briauna,
    Thank you for taking the time to address this issue and finding the gap in the research! You would think there would be more about those with amputations below the knew as it seems, at least to me, to be something that should be equally addressed since it deals with mobility. I was interested in what methods were used to incorporate peer-based training to increase the effects of rehabilitation training. Was it only the training video? I think in most fields it is important to have a mentor, especially one who has experienced the same struggles as yourself. It’s not just about camaraderie but the reduction of stress and uneasiness that comes with dealing with something new or out of your control that could prevent someone from performing their best in recovery. Do you think future research should incorporate additional peer communication (like mentorship) to further increase the results?
    I love how some of the figures ‘came to life’ so to speak, very attention-grabbing. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Briauna,

    This is really interesting and important research. I really liked the visuals you added to your poster, and I love that you are looking at the importance of peers in rehabilitation and physical therapy. Super neat!


  3. Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time out to view my presentation. Please feel free to ask questions or provide feedback in the comment section.

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