Undergraduate researchers will present their research in one of the three presentation types: (1) Poster, (2) Podium Talk, or (3) Lightning Talk. Researchers with accepted abstracts will be required to upload a pre-recorded video and supporting media (i.e. research poster, lightning talk slides) for their presentations by Friday, November 5, 2021 by 5:00 PM. Each presenter is required to submit the minimum required files listed below depending on the presentation type. Please find below detailed information and resources on how to upload videos and media.
For the upcoming Fall 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, all presentation files must be submitted to OUR via email at our@unlv.edu by Friday, November 5th, 2021 by 5:00 PM.
Tips on Presenting Research
For tips and examples on effective research presentations, please visit the Denison University Technically Speaking project.
Presentation Requirements
Poster Presentation
- If you have multiple presenters, please divide the presentation in sections where members describe their role and present their part. For instance, a four-member group may have the following division of labor:
- Introduction to the project with the “hook”
- Research background and methods
- Research findings
- Discussion and conclusions
- Please submit:
- A video recording of your presentation with a maximum presentation length of 10 minutes.
- A copy of your poster saved as a .PNG or .JPG file with the standard poster size of 48 inches in width and 36 inches in height.
Best Poster Presentation in AHS, Spring 2021
Our languages do not die, they are being killed”: Indigenismo and its Effects on Indigenous Language Revitalization
Nathalie Martinez & Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes, Ph.D.
Podium Talk
- If you have multiple presenters, please divide the presentation in sections where members describe their role and present their part. For instance, a four-member group may have the following division of labor:
- Introduction to the project with the “hook”
- Research background and methods
- Research findings
- Discussion and conclusions
- Please submit:
- A video recording of your presentation with a maximum presentation length of 10 minutes.
- Optional: A .PDF file of your presentation.
Police Shootings in the Mountain West, 2015 – 2021
Elia Del Carmen Solano-Patricio & Caitlin J. Saladino, Ph.D.
Lightning Talk
- A video recording of your presentation with a maximum presentation length of 3 minutes.
- Optional: A .pdf file of your presentation
Legislative Responses to Black Lives Matter Protests
Madison Frazee & Kenneth Miller, Ph.D.
Recording and Submitting a Presentation
For the upcoming Fall 2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, all presentation files must be submitted to OUR via email at our@unlv.edu by Friday, November 5th, 2021 by 5:00 PM.
- Create your presentation using a software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. For information on accessing this software as a UNLV student, please contact the Office of Information Technology.
- Record and save your presentation using video. We highly encourage undergraduate researchers to use video to enhance the audience’s viewing experience. However, if you cannot record a video due to technological limitations or connectivity gap, please record an audio clip of your presentation and send it along your submission.
- PowerPoint offers one of the easiest methods to record your presentation with video and audio. For information on how to record your presentation, please visit Microsoft’s step-by-step guide. For an additional example and instructional guide, please view this resource. Laptop, video recorder, and smartphone recordings will also be accepted if the previous PowerPoint recording option is not feasible.
- Upload your video to the Google Drive account associated to your UNLV ACE account.
- Email the following to our@unlv.edu by Friday, November 5, 2021 by 5:00 PM.
- A Google Drive link to your recorded video. Please make sure to share access with our@unlv.edu.
- All required media and files specific to your presentation type (please see above).
- Students have the option of including their LinkedIn information, professional website, or portfolio on the Symposium site along with their presentation. If you would like to utilize this resource, please include a link to your LinkedIn profile, professional website, or portfolio in your email.
Accessibility Instructions
In order to ensure accessibility for students and attendees of all ability levels, please upload your presentations to uphold to UNLV’s accessibility standards. All presenters are asked to upload such complementing resources to ensure that all site visitors are able to obtain all presentation information.
To do this, please ensure the following requirements are met:
- All video recordings must have closed captioning enabled.
- All PowerPoint presentations must follow principals and standards to ensure accessibility standards. Please see instructions at https://webaim.org/techniques/powerpoint/.
Attending the Symposium
Once you submit your presentation, please join us in viewing your peers’ presentations, provide feedback, and ask questions starting 8 AM on Monday, November 15, 2021. Using the comment function, all symposium attendees will have the opportunity to interactively engage with fellow undergraduate researchers, faculty, and others throughout the weekend and the following week until Friday, November 19, 2021 at 5:00 pm. Please join us, browse all the presentation pages, submit questions, and provide feedback!
During the symposium week, faculty judges will review your presentation and provide feedback. Such feedback will be sent from OUR the weeks following the event. We look forward to a stimulating and productive intellectual feast and research education experience with very many interesting questions and respectful and constructive feedback!