OREO-9. The Impact of Mask Wearing Upon The Epidemiological Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Nevada Public Schools

Iris Cong1
Shayaan Zaidi
Nicole Whan
Brittny Mikhaiel2
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1The Meadows School
2College of Sciences, School of Life Sciences
3Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

COVID-19 is an infectious disease which is caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which likely mutated from infecting animals to infecting humans. The first case was reported in December 2019, leading to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The effectiveness of facial coverings in preventing the spread of the virus has been consistently questioned by the public. Along with a lack of full knowledge concerning epidemiological transmission of COVID-19, students becoming infected by the virus is a new concern for youth in school. The primary goal of the study is to synthesize known information about general mask effectiveness in regards to COVID-19 transmission dynamics in public schools with local student statistics concerning the spread of COVID-19 in Nevada public schools. This is done in an effort to both explain the rise in COVID-19 transmission across Nevada public schools and to address the importance of mask wearing in these schools as a means of combating the increased spread of COVID-19.

OREO-8. The Quality and Accessibility of Child Suicide Prevention Resources

Gianna Archuleta1
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1Advanced Technologies Academy
2Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

In wake of the Covid-19 Pandmeic, many concerned parties have called into question the mental health of students and children across the country due to extreme isolation. However, even before the pandemic, suicide rates among children 5-12 have been on an unprecedented rise. Not to mention, the current general belief that kids shouldn’t have mental health issues due to their age. In this analysis, suicide prevention resources made specifically for children were examined for their availability and efficiency in Nevada. Results showed that there were not many practical and available resources available specifically for children. Program training seemed to be available for staff, but programs dealing with children directly have little data or research. We conclude that children’s suicide is not being made a priority in a time when proper mental health and emotional regulation skills are incredibly important.

OREO-7. Political Bias Derived From Social Media Platforms Influencing Financial Decisions

Yee Tay1
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1Advanced Technologies Academy
2Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

The research described in this paper seeks to answer the question “What aspects of social media make it more likely for an investor to make a financial decision?”. This study aims to analyze what partisan indicators influence a certain political ideology more and how that affects their financial decisions, specifically when buying and/or selling stocks through employing a qualitative method semi-structured interview. The semi-structured interviews are then coded in order to find the most prevalent themes and patterns. Results have found that more explicit labeling of partisan indicators is desired and initiatives taken by social media platforms to promote transparency increased trust. Other than answering the question, this study can help to provide insight to social media platforms on how to create more nonpartisan news feeds which would help Americans make better financial decisions. This information could also be utilized by investors, marketers, and anyone else who is interested in understanding why certain political ideologies make the financial decisions that they do.

OREO-6. Most Effective Advertising Methods

Shazray Akbar1
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1The Meadows School
2Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

Advertising is a critical part of gaining traction for companies, so researching and utilizing the best forms and tactics in advertising have been a major part of growth and creating a consumer base. This study aimed to investigate the most effective form of advertisement that can successfully make a lasting impact on consumers and urge them to buy the product being advertised. When analyzing data over popular advertisements with high success rates in recent years, one form of advertisement stands out, with an effective tactic also being highlighted. When regarding form, online advertising, especially in today’s day and age, has the greatest impact on consumers, and such ads easily can be found while browsing popular sites and social media. These ads are repeatedly cemented in consumers’ brains, and with an increasingly interconnected world with a high level of internet usage, online advertising has become a more popular form of advertisement. Companies which advertise online are able to target their products towards demographics which are more likely to purchase their goods through using available data and search histories, being more effective for their investment when compared to broad, in-person advertising. Aside from form, one tactic that more directly relates to video advertisement is ads which invoke a sense of “relatability”. Companies create a story in which consumers can easily identify with, strengthening consumer response. By using online advertising and creating relatable ads when advertising in video format, companies are shown to have more effective ads which create a larger consumer base.

OREO-5. Constructing the African American Drug Criminal in America

Patrick Dimasin1
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1West Career and Technical Academy
2Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

Historically, African American people have had an implicated relationship with the criminal justice system: higher arrest rates, higher conviction rates, and worse sentencing results are common, especially in drug-related crimes. In this study, I aim to identify the relationships of the social environments of participants in two categories, race and gender. Using the contact and threat hypothesis, I seek to analyze the correlation between positive and negative attitudes of “outgroup” individuals and the perception of what a “violent” criminal appears to be. Results from previous studies have affirmed that increased intergroup contact increases positive attitudes, but an increasing size of an ethnic outgroup increases the risk factor for negative attitudes like threat perception. Using a phenomenological foundation, I was able to conduct correlational research that found increased intergroup contact is more likely to lead to more “violent” perceptions of darker-skinned, male, drug-related criminals. These findings strongly suggest that threat hypothesis has a strong potential in controlling subconscious biases towards varying ethnic groups, and has a future in determining whether these findings hold true in other categories of crime. I suggest that if the threat hypothesis is true for public perception of criminals, then these results should provide a foundation for further inquiry of threat hypothesis’

OREO-4. Eco-Friendly or Deceitful Branding: The Implications of Energy Corporations Greenwashing in the United States on Climate Change

Sarah Park1
Faculty Mentor: Levent Atici, Ph.D.2
1Ed W. Clark High School
2Division of Research, Office of Undergraduate Research

Presented in this study, is an in-depth analysis of the effects of energy companies greenwashing while focusing on the challenges that the status quo presents in transparency of companies’ environmental actions in a policy viewpoint in the United States. The purpose of my research was to see how combating climate change has been complicated due to energy corporations greenwashing in the US. The data in this study primarily focuses on self-conducted research through case studies, predicted company greenwashing rate, the current scope of deceitful tactics, current obstacles companies face towards becoming environmentally friendly, current emissions by energy companies, policy to create tangible change, current state of play of climate change, and more. The scope of the study calls into question the ethics of brands that seek to make a profit while sacrificing the health of their consumers. Research methodologies in this study include but are not limited to, mixed-methods like data conduction, case studies, data analysis, interpretation, observations, and archival research. These results suggest that current energy companies are deceiving their consumers and are not being regulated enough by the government, policy wise. Along with this, such companies are spending a significant amount of lobbying, avoiding specific regulation. On this basis, the concept of greenwashing should be taken into account when actively trying to investigate a company’s environmental friendliness. The findings of this study indicate that there needs to be increased transparency within company policy and tangible change enacted by the federal government to hold energy companies accountable to mitigate climate change.

HNSE-L2-1. Validation of the Garmin Fenix 6S Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) Estimate

Macy Helm1
Bryson Carrier1
Dustin W. Davis1
Kyle Cruz1
Brenna Barrios1
Faculty Mentor: James Navalta, Ph.D.1
1School of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences

Sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss directly impact performance during prolonged exercise bouts. The Gatorade Gx Sweat Patch (Gx SP) is a wearable device that tracks these metrics in the user. Having this information allows athletes to strategize their fluid and electrolyte consumption. This randomized and counterbalanced study will determine the validity and accuracy of the Gx SP’s prediction of sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss compared to lab-based measurements. Healthy runners and basketball players will be recruited to participate in two running sessions on a treadmill. Participants will be asked to run at low-intensity and moderate-intensity, determined by heart rate reserve. Hydration status and sodium loss will be determined pre-and post-exercise via body weight, bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), and urine and blood samples. While running, the participant will wear the Gx SP, an additional absorbent gauze pad, and a heart rate (HR) monitor. Running intensity will be monitored by HR and corresponding HRR values. After completing the exercise, sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss will be generated via the Gx SP. The absorbent gauze will be analyzed for sodium loss. Body weight and blood and urine samples will be obtained again and compared to the pre-test samples. Participants will return within 2 to 14 days to complete the opposite running condition. To determine the validity of the device, the validation criteria for the Gx SP is: p > 0.05, mean absolute percentage error < 10.0%, Pearson Correlation > 0.70, and Lin’s Correlation Coefficient Concordance > 0.70.

HNSE-L1-4. Effects of Recycled Asphalt Binder on the Viscosity of Recycled Asphalt Binder and Mixtures

Abdulrahman Alahdal1
Faculty Mentor: Moses Karakouzian, Ph.D.1
1Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction

Asphalt pavement is a combination of materials that are typically used in the construction of roads, highways, airports, parking lots, etc. Asphalt pavement consists of asphalt binder, mineral filler, and a mixture of aggregates such as crushed rocks, sand, slags, and gravel. These components are produced with a great deal of energy which results in significant CO2 emissions. In this study, the viscosity of virgin and reclaimed asphalt binders, as well as reclaimed asphalt binders and virgin asphalt binders’ mixtures, are examined according to the testing protocol and specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Results from this study will allow reclaimed asphalt to be used in asphalt mixtures to the greatest extent possible. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions directly increase as asphalt production grows. As a result of studying the effects, we will be able to increase the proportion of reclaimed asphalt pavement used in new asphalt pavement mixtures, which in turn will decrease the yearly CO2 emissions. To maximize asphalt pavement’s strength and resistance, it is crucial to maintain its viscosity, since asphalt binder is responsible for holding aggregate together. We found that the viscosity of the mixtures containing 5 to 30% reclaimed asphalt binder decreased linearly as the percentage of reclaimed asphalt binder increased. Despite this, specimens with 30 to 50% reclaimed asphalt binder show an increasing viscosity as the amount of reclaimed asphalt binder increases. Accordingly, reclaimed asphalt should account for approximately 5-30% of the total mix of asphalt.

This research was funded by UNLV’s Title III Part F Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) program, which is housed within UNLV’s Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach and funded under grant (P382B160008) from the U.S. Department of Education.

HNSE-L1-3. Development of a Mobile App for Project Management and Presentation


Jiaqi Li1
Faculty Mentor: Jorge Cacho Fonseca, Ph.D.1
1Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Department of Computer Science

There is much information about research projects in the Economic Department. However, managing projects with different sizes is not easy. To solve this issue, we create a “showcase” app that has a functional database and user-friendly interface. It is very efficient and convenient. Users can extract information from the projects with filters. We use Unity platform to create the “showcase” app and SQL database to store and manage the data. Authorized users can edit, add, and delete the information of their projects in the app. The database is safe and protected. All of the information could be updated and shared among the users immediately. The app also has a rating system that helps us make future improvements.

HNSE-L1-2. Analysis of High Performance Nanoparticle Based Thin Film Solid Batteries

Anayeli Flores-Garibay1
Faculty Mentor: Biswajit Das, Ph.D.1
1Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

In recent years, the production of lithium batteries has increased because of the recent push to move away from the use of fossil fuels. Despite this increase in lithium battery technology there are some major drawbacks. For instance, liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries can present a potential risk of fire hazard if damaged or handled improperly and are known to be toxic causing a potential risk to the environment and water supply. To overcome these problems, there has been an increase on the research and production of fully solid-state batteries. Solid state batteries are known to have longer life cycles, wider operational temperature ranges and present no threat of fire hazard because of the absence of flammable fluids. An important type of solid-state battery is the thin-film solid state battery (TFSSB) which is commonly used in Internet of Things (IoT), wearable sensors, devices, and implants. In this project we conduct a literature review to analyze the best thin film materials for the anode, cathode, and electrolyte layers for use with nanoparticle technology developed at the Nevada Nanotechnology Center at UNLV.

This research was funded by UNLV’s TRIO McNair Scholars Institute, which is housed within UNLV’s Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach and funded under the TRIO Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program by a grant (P217A170069) from the U.S. Department of Education. 
