AHS-L2-2. Expression Patterns of Integral Axon Initial Segment Proteins During Postnatal Cortical Development

Amanjot Kailey1
Rachel Ali Rodriguez1
Jeffery Barker2
Dustin Hines, Ph.D.2
Faculty Mentor: Rochelle Hines, Ph.D.2
1College of Science, School of Life Sciences
2College of Liberal Arts, Department of Psychology

A key site in the control of neuronal activity patterns is a specialized compartment known as the axon initial segment (AIS). The AIS is a highly organized neuronal compartment whose local density of proteins and morphology in part determine the firing characteristics of neurons. Recent studies have demonstrated that the AIS undergoes important modifications during development, but the molecular mechanisms that affect the development, composition, and morphology of the AIS remain obscure.
We are using western blotting to examine the developmental expression of proteins that are enriched in the AIS across a time course of cortical development, focusing on the time points of postnatal day 5, 10, 20 and adulthood. Using antibodies we are able to specifically detect bands of proteins separated by molecular weight. We analyze these bands to determine intensity of signals a proxy for expression level. We normalize the intensity measured for each protein band to the abundant cytoskeletal protein actin, which allows us to control for the amount of sample loaded. We have found that the AIS protein Neurofascin undergoes a shift in abundance of specific isoforms during postnatal development, presenting an interesting target for further study. Understanding of the developmental regulation of AIS proteins has implications for understanding the development of cortical firing patterns and ultimately for disorders of cortical development.

AHS-L2-1. Teaching for Black and Brown Lives: The Importance of Ethnic Studies and Latinx Students in Nevada

Lauren Patterson1
Norma A. Marrun, Ph.D.2
Rosemary Q. Flores2
Averill Kelley2
Kendra Beach2
Faculty Mentor: Christine Clark, Ph.D.2
1College of Education, Department of Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services
2College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning

The purpose of this study was to examine Nevada state (NAC, NRS, NDE, etc.), UNLV(NSHE code, etc.), and CCSD policy and practices related to required and/or elective Ethnic Studies, multicultural education, and/or diversity coursework for high school student graduation, college student graduation, and teacher licensure, license renewal, and/or continuing education, in order to identify areas of confusion, conflation, weakness, and/or gaps in law and policy support that, if addressed, would lead to improvements in high school and college student learning outcomes and academic success (especially for Students of Color), and to the improved preparation of teachers(especially to effectively teach Students of Color).

AHS-L1-2. Visualizing the Southern Nevada Homelessness Crisis

Vanessa Booth1
Faculty Mentor: William E. Brown Jr.2
1College of Liberal Arts, Department of Political Science
2Brookings Mountain West

Presented in this policy study, is an in-depth analysis of the growing Homelessness Crisis occurring across the state of Nevada while focusing on the state of play scenario that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area presents. The data synthesized in this study primarily focuses on predicted homelessness rates, the current scope of the homelessness crisis, housing affordability, accessibility to poverty alleviation services, alongside notable policy recommendations. The scope of the study calls into question the funding formula and allocations of federal funds to solve the current homelessness crisis. Research methodologies in this study include but are not limited to, several mixed-methods like policy data analysis, data interpretation, observations, and archival research. The findings of this study indicate that immediate policy remedies/solutions are needed to alleviate the exacerbating homelessness crisis in Southern Nevada.

AHS-L1-1. Teaching for Black and Brown Lives: The Importance of Ethnic Studies Curriculum in the Educational Success of Black and Latinx Students in Nevada

Kendra Beach1
Norma A. Marrun1
Averill Kelley1
Rosemary Q. Flores1
Lauren Patterson2
Faculty Mentor: Christine Clark, Ph.D.1
1College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning
2College of Education, Department of Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services

This study identifies school policies and practices that create a gap in support for Ethnic Studies for high school graduation, college graduation, and teacher licensures. The first method was interviewing specific stakeholders through zoom who were in the position for the purpose of the research. The interviewed participants answered questions about the policies related to Ethnic studies, practice school policies, and implications of the ratification of Ethnic study policies in Nevada. The second method was analyzing Nevada state and Department of Education policies relating to teacher education. Interpreting how UNLV teacher licensure programs apply those policies in the preparation curriculum. Results from the methods were initial findings were 75% of the student population in CCSD are students of color, but there are still limited clubs that surround racialized experiences. Although students who participated in racial/ethnic club activities led to more enrollment in elective courses. Ethnic studies are considered along with social studies and “diversity studies”, which need to be differentiated from one another. Ethnic study courses can be a valuable enhancement to build cross-racial solidarity and create opportunities to make sense of school experiences. It is critical to make a foundation for success for Students of Color and Families of color in many schools and communities in CCSD.

AHS-L2-5. The Bronze Head of Thracian Ruler Seuthes III

Andrea Rangelova1
Faculty Mentor: Aya Louisa McDonald, Ph.D.1
1College of Fine Arts, Department of Art

In 2004 Bulgarian archeologists, Dr. Kitov and Dr. Dimitrova, discovered a unique Hellenistic era bronze head in a Royal Thracian burial, outside the Golyamata Kosmatka tomb. Research and visual analysis has shown that this head is most likely a portrait of Seuthes III, the ruler of Odrysian Thrace. This identification is indicated by its close resemblance to realistically sculpted profile images of Seuthes III found on Thracian coins. In both cases the heads are characterized by a thick beard and a crooked nose, which create a singular, individual identity. Traditional Greek bronze heads around 4 B.C. are beardless.
The head is a masterpiece of Hellenistic realism, dated to c. 4th Century BCE. The archaeologists further suggest that the bronze head of Seuthes III played a significant part in spiritual rituals of the Odryssian Thracians. Further objects inside the Golyamata Kosmatka tomb reveal the substantial influence of Hellenistic Greek art: a silver pitcher, a silver vial, a gold wreath with oak leaves, and a bronze helmet engraved in Greek script with the name of Seuthes III. Fragmentary images of the Gorgon Medusa were found on the funeral bed and the bronze helmet. We conclude that the bronze head of Seuthes III is unique and has no analog in the Greek World.

HNSE-L2-4. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States: Evidence in Late 2021

Ambree Schoetker1
Faculty Mentor: Manoj Sharma, Ph.D.1
1School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health

The coronavirus disease, COVID-19, has changed daily life dramatically since early 2020. Although COVID-19 vaccines are available in the United States, many express distrust in this primary prevention public health measure and doubt as to the seriousness of COVID-19 and associated morbidity and mortality. Vaccine hesitancy, also described as the reluctance or refusal of vaccines despite availability, exists on a continuum and was a known public health threat prior to the coronavirus pandemic. This narrative review examines studies related to the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among adults in the United States. Also explored are the factors related to COVID-19 vaccine risk communication and available interventions to address COVID-19. Perceived severity of and susceptibility to COVID-19, trust in public health authorities and government in general, educational attainment, income, race, and sex were found to be significant determinants of vaccine hesitancy. Due to lack of available evidence-based interventions to counter COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, peer-reviewed commentaries and other health communication principles formed the basis of additional recommendations for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy interventions. Recommendations included trust-building efforts at the community, national, and institutional levels as well as addressing social determinants of health. The results of this narrative review may likely be limited by recent vaccine mandates related to education and to employment. Future research is needed to identify any changes in acceptance, uptake, and trust in institutions such as public health agencies and universities and representatives of those institutions.

HNSE-L2-3. Post-zygotic Reproductive Isolating Barriers Contributing to Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) Divergence

Jaclyn Martinez1
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Stacy, Ph.D.1
1College of Sciences, Department of Life Sciences

On the Hawaiian Islands, Metrosideros (Myrtaceae) is a landscape-dominant woody species complex that includes a surprising number of interfertile varieties, races and species. These many taxa appear to represent ongoing population divergence and speciation, in which we suggest there may be postzygotic reproductive barriers relating to hybrid incompatibilities that contribute to speciation. This project examines rates of embryo development and seed germination as indicators of postzygotic isolating barriers in Hawaiian Metrosideros. We optimized laboratory methods for each measure and applied them to examine preserved seeds of pure-taxon crosses and hybrid crosses (i.e., crosses between taxa or involving F1 hybrids). After batches of seeds from both cross types are imported and rehydrated, the proportion of developed embryos is recorded under a dissecting scope. Seeds are then germinated on filter paper in a petri dish, watered and sealed with parafilm, and placed under full spectrum LED light. The proportion of seeds germinated (i.e., standing plants with two leaves) is recorded every two weeks for six weeks. This project seeks to provide insight into the role of early life-history stages in the evolution of reproductive isolating barriers in a hyper diverse, hybridizing tree species complex.

This research was funded by the Southern Nevada Northern Arizona (SNNA) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), which is housed within UNLV’s Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach and supported by a grant (HRD – 1712523) from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. 

AHS-L2-4. A Study on Improvement of Mobile App for UNLV: Campus Safety Protocol in User Experience

Kristine Monsada1
Mustafa Diallo2
Cecilia Garcia-Leon2
Mayra Carrera2
Khristine Le2
Faculty Mentor: Sang-Duck Seo, Ph.D.2
1Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Department of Computer Science
2College of Fine Arts, Department of Art

According to The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), an average of 28,000 crimes were reported on college campuses across the United States in 2019. However, while many universities offer services to help students stay safe while on campus, students continue to feel unsafe.
The University of Nevada Las Vegas’s (UNLV) proximity to the Las Vegas Strip causes campus to be vulnerable to crime. While UNLV offers students safety resources through their campus safety app, ‘RebelSafe,’ we found that only a small percentage of UNLV students actually use the app and wanted to pinpoint why. Thus, we focused our research on improving the usability and User Experience (UX) of this existing campus safety application by redesigning the app and conducting usability tests with the redesign.
To test the effectiveness of the new redesign, our empirical study consists of three tasks for participants to execute: contacting police, requesting safety escorts, and accessing other safety resources. The findings from the usability testing help us analyze the difficulties users experience from the prototype. They also help us determine areas that are working and areas that need improvement.
By focusing on the improvement of the existing UNLV RebelSafe mobile app, this study intends not only to specify an effective user interface design that fits into emergency protocol procedure but also to clarify the campus safety resources through a single mobile application.

AHS-L1-3. The Joestar Spirit: How the Protagonists of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Embody Key Traits of the Hero

Tracy Fuentes1,2
Faculty Mentor: Amy M. Green, Ph.D.1
1College of Liberal Arts, Department of English
2College of Liberal Arts, Department of Political Science

Despite how much anime has grown in popularity over the decade and even more so this past year, studies on animes outside of Studio Ghibli’s filmography remain minimal compared to the large amount of content available today. The complexity and artistry presented in anime make them worthy of literary analysis, and the anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is no exception to this. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure spans five parts consisting of different storylines, each with its own protagonist. This paper seeks to explore the anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure as a literary work, and specifically examine how the characters compare to the typical hero and portrayals of masculinity. This character analysis argues that although the five protagonists of the anime are drastically different in personality and character, they all possess four basic traits of a hero: selflessness, bravery, a strong sense of justice, and the ability to succeed alone. Using the words of the creator of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki; evidence from the anime; and research on heroes and Japanese culture, this paper demonstrates how the five characters exemplify these heroic traits.

HNSE-L1-1. Validation of Sweat Rate, Fluid Loss, and Sodium Loss in Wearable Technology

Macy Helm1
Bryson Carrier1
Faculty Mentor: James Navalta, Ph.D.1
1School of Integrated Health Sciences, Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences

Sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss directly impact performance during prolonged exercise bouts. The Gatorade Gx Sweat Patch (Gx SP) is a wearable device that tracks these metrics in the user. Having this information allows athletes to strategize their fluid and electrolyte consumption. This randomized and counterbalanced study will determine the validity and accuracy of the Gx SP’s prediction of sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss compared to lab-based measurements. Healthy runners and basketball players will be recruited to participate in two running sessions on a treadmill. Participants will be asked to run at low-intensity and moderate-intensity, determined by heart rate reserve. Hydration status and sodium loss will be determined pre-and post-exercise via body weight, bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), and urine and blood samples. While running, the participant will wear the Gx SP, an additional absorbent gauze pad, and a heart rate (HR) monitor. Running intensity will be monitored by HR and corresponding HRR values. After completing the exercise, sweat rate, fluid loss, and sodium loss will be generated via the Gx SP. The absorbent gauze will be analyzed for sodium loss. Body weight and blood and urine samples will be obtained again and compared to the pre-test samples. Participants will return within 2 to 14 days to complete the opposite running condition. To determine the validity of the device, the validation criteria for the Gx SP is: p > 0.05, mean absolute percentage error < 10.0%, Pearson Correlation > 0.70, and Lin’s Correlation Coefficient Concordance > 0.70.
